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Back Pain
Back pain is so common. Many of us lead a life where we do not use our back muscles very much and they start to weaken. If we then lift up heavy things in the wrong way, this leads to back injuries. The key to preventing a back injury is by ensuring those muscles in your back are strong.
If you do develop back pain, see us as soon as possible, so we can work out the cause. There are many reasons why you may have developed the pain and it is important we work this out. We can then organise the right treatment to deal with the problem and then guide you to prevent this occurring again. Some people may be eligible to see a Physiotherapist at reduced rates (or even bulk billed), so do talk to us about any pains that you are having.
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Information on Back Pain
Finding credible health information on the internet can be hard, so let us guide you to some really good resources to help you learn about back pain. Produced by the Government of Western Australia, Dept of Health, painHealth is an excellent website to read through to understand about pain. In addition, they have a questionnaire that will tell you if you need an urgent review. Click here for the questionnaire.
Prevention of Back Pain
The key to preventing back pain is having a strong core. These types of exercises should be part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth. Exercises such as Pilates or Yoga are great at strengthening your core and classes are accessible online, anywhere, and at any time (e.g. Yogaia or Pilates Anytime). Now there is really no excuse not to do these exercises. It only takes 10 minutes and can prevent a lifetime of pain.
It's All About Posture
Many of us are stuck behind a desk at work for many hours. This can often lead to poor posture, which can, in turn, lead to back problems. If whilst at work, we could have a gentle reminder about our posture, it may encourage healthy habits and reduce the risk of back problems. With Upright Go, you place a small device on your back that vibrates when you slouch, to remind you to sit up. Click here for more information.
See Our Physio, {Add your physiotherapist name here }
Once we know what the cause of the back pain is, then seeing a physiotherapist can make a difference. When you see them, they may perform some hands-on treatment. This is to try and give you temporary pain relief for about 24-48 hours. They will then give you some exercises to do. You should know that it is the exercises that will get you better in the long term, not the hands-on treatment. So for a referral to see a Physio, book in by clicking the link below.
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With these newsletters, we aim to remain in contact with you, regularly to update you on things that may relate to your health. It is our way of staying in touch with you outside the clinic.
All content in the newsletters is for informative purposes only and does not serve as a substitute for medical advice. If in doubt please book in to see us.
All information in our newsletters has been reviewed by our clinical team. We work in conjunction with HealthAide who help provide content.